Not Your Father’s ROI
文章出於 :
June 28th, 2009
The July issue of Chief Learning Officer is now available online. It features an article in which Jon Husband and I delve into how to measure the impact of learning in the network era.
Today’s networked era requires a new way to make investment decisions that incorporates intangible assets and more accurately depicts how value is created.
The industrial age has run out of steam. Look at General Motors. Look at Chrysler. We are witnessing the death throes of management models that have outlived their usefulness.
The network era now replacing the industrial age holds great promise. Networked organizations are reaping rewards for connecting people, know-how and ideas at an ever-faster pace. Value creation has migrated from what we can see (physical assets) to intangibles (ideas). Look at Google and Cisco.
Understandably, seasoned executives, chief learning officers among them, are having a devil of a time shifting from the industrial age mindset of logic, certainty and bounded constraints to the network gestalt of interaction, self-organization, unpredictability and fewer limits to potential. The pressure is constantly on to meet quarter-to-quarter revenue and earnings targets that in turn accentuate the need to take decisions that support achieving those targets. At the same time, we are shifting into an era in which knowledge work and learning occur where re-engineered business processes collide with a participative and interactive ecology of information flows.
大膽推測 這是一本書[Chief Learning Officer]放再線上給大家看的一小部份 然後大師把它放在自己的網頁上?
這篇文章的英文好艱深 所以我打算快的話兩個禮拜看完這篇 上面所附的原文 只是一部份
(發現 英文真的好重要喔ˊˋ)
學習總監(CLO-Jon Husband)告訴我,現在的學習千萬不要想成是父母親的投資,現在的學習,都是為了未來的自己!